It is quite common for individuals to file a car insurance claim. It means your auto insurance is working to meet your needs.
However, in order for a claim to be successful, you need to ensure you and your insurer come to an agreement on the terms. Settling a car insurance claim means that you and your agent agree.
What Happens When You File a Car Insurance Claim?
You were in an accident. You suffered damage to your vehicle. Your first step, after speaking to the police as necessary, is to contact your insurance agent. Your agent will need to gather information. This may include photos and details about what happened.
The agent then verifies the type of auto insurance you have. And, at that point, the agency provides additional information on the steps you need to take.
Sometimes, such as in instances of body damage to the car, you need to seek out a quote for the repairs. The agency will tell you where to go to do this. With all this information in hand, the insurer can make a decision on how much to offer to you to cover the repairs.
What Happens When the Vehicle Has Too Much Damage?
In instances where the vehicle has too much damage, the car insurance agency may list it as totaled. This means it is too expensive or impossible to repair. The agency usually provides you with a payment. Generally, the amount relates to the current value of the car (at the time of the accident) and the amount of auto insurance you have.
How Does It Settle the Claim, Then?
In either case, the agency provides you with a dollar figure. This is their offer. You may want to haggle or negotiate the terms. If you believe your policy should pay you more, ask for a review of the claim. The goal is to give you the coverage you deserve and paid for through your policy. Once you both come to an agreement, you will sign a document stating AS such. This has settled a claim. The claim process is over.
Most of the time, auto insurance claims pay fairly. However, you do have the right to pursue appeals or even a legal claim if you believe you did not receive the proper payment. To avoid this, ensure your auto insurance policy is comprehensive enough for your needs.
Let La Familia Auto Insurance help you with settling your auto insurance claims. Call us at 888-751-7511 for more information. Or contact us so we can get you the right Dallas auto insurance coverage in the first place.
Additional Resources
- Do I Need a Lawyer to Settle my Auto Insurance Claim?
- Does Car Insurance Cover Damaged Headlights and Bumpers?
- Malingering Accusation Defense in Auto Insurance Claims
- How Fraud Affects the Rate You Pay for Auto Insurance