When you move to a new state, you should start shopping for a new car insurance policy. This is necessary because your current insurance coverage will only be useful for between 30-90 days in the new state. Note, however, that you should not cancel your current policy before acquiring one in the new state since you must never drive without Dallas auto insurance. While shopping for insurance in this new state, here are a few things you should know.
Notify Your Current Insurer
Before you move, you should notify your current insurer about your impending move. This will equip you with necessary information about the policy’s coverage in the new state. In case your present insurer also operates in the new state, they may help you make adjustments so that you can carry on with your policy. This is not always beneficial though, because they may not have the best rates in that new state. Therefore, you should shop around first before making any decisions. You should also confirm how long you can use your prevailing coverage in the new state, and you can inquire this from the new state’s Department of Motor Vehicles.
Register Your Car
After you move, register your car within the period stipulated by the state’s regulations. Although all states require registration, some states (and some insurers too) will need proof of insurance before registering your vehicle. In these latter states, you should shop for insurance before the registration. Get these details as soon as possible so that you can meet all the requirements before their respective deadlines.
Get Quotes
Whether or not your current insurance company offers coverage in your new state, you should get new quotes from different companies in the new state. With the availability of tools for comparison of online insurance quotes, this is a relatively easy thing to do. If you have friends in your new state, you can also contact them for referrals.
Buy Your Coverage
After you are through comparing rates, it is time to purchase your insurance. In case you find that it is better to stay with your current insurance firm, you just need to inform them and forward your new registration details. If you have opted to buy your insurance from a new provider, get everything in place and then contact your former insurer to cancel your policy. Update your address and inquire about any refund that may be available. Once you have done that, you are through with your switch.
The main things you need to do while moving is to get the details of the insurance regulations in the new state, and to shop for different quotes before buying insurance. These are things you should start doing even before you move.
In case you need help with these or other insurance issues, give La Familia Insurance a call at 888-751-7511.