Recent storms and extreme weather around the United States have left millions of people without power for days or weeks at a time, posing a serious threat to individuals in Texas and elsewhere. According to the US Energy Information Administration’s yearly report, hundreds of power outages occurred across the country in 2021, with the most of them being unreported. There’s no way to prevent a storm from destroying a power line or generator unless you’ve miraculously acquired superhuman abilities, but there are things you can do to prepare your home for future power outages. It’s especially crucial if you reside in an area prone to severe weather and natural calamities.
Generators are costly, but they are invaluable when the power goes out. A generator can power an entire home and is designed to kick in as soon as the grid goes down. There are various types of generators available. A standby generator, which is permanently placed and connected to your home, is an option. They can range in price from $2,000 to $20,000, not including the cost of installation. A portable ‘backup generator,’ which provides temporary electricity and allows you to immediately plug in appliances to its front panel for as little as $800, is a more cost-effective solution. The majority of portable generators, often known as backup generators, run on gasoline, which can cause issues if you don’t use your generator frequently. Installing a power outage alarm is a good idea. These are particularly handy if you own another property that isn’t usually occupied, such as a vacation home or business offices. A power outage alarm will notify you whenever there is a power outage; you may set up alerts on your phone, receive an SMS, or receive an email. If you are notified, you can choose your next course of action, which could range from phoning the power company to sending someone over to safeguard your property. Consider getting a carbon monoxide detector. Extreme storms that produce power outages can result in an increase in carbon monoxide exposures, which can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.
Investing in a surge protector can help protect them by channeling excess power into the grounding wire of the outlet. You’ll discover some fantastic selections here, with costs ranging from $20 to $100. Switching to solar energy reduces your home’s reliance on the electric grid, yet it is not as simple as purchasing a device from a store. Switching to solar has grown quite popular, particularly in storm-prone locations such as Texas and California. Solar panels aren’t cheap—they cost between $18,000 and $20,000 on average—but they can save you money on your power bills in the long run.
Your gutters are most likely clogged due to leaves and debris. When you combine unending rain with a formula for disaster, you get a flooded basement, leaky ceilings, and other such goodies. If you’re comfortable climbing a ladder, clear them out now before the weather gets worse. Bring a leaf blower or a gutter scooper, or anything else that will make the process go faster. You can also hire someone to come over and do it for you.