It happens to all of us – you lose track of your speedometer or you’re in a hurry and suddenly you see those flashing blue and red lights in your rearview mirror. You are pulled over and about to be fined for speeding. Besides paying the cost of the quote, you may be wondering how it will affect your auto insurance costs. Your rate will likely go up because speeding citations are part of your driving record, and your insurance company uses this information to determine your insurance rate.
The speed you drove when you received the speeding ticket is used to determine how much your insurance premiums will increase. If you are driving 10 mph over the speed limit, it may cost less than if you were driving 20 or 30 mph over the speed limit. Some insurance companies won’t increase your speeding premiums unless you’re driving over a certain speed limit. However, each insurance company has its own criteria.
There are several things you can do to reduce your insurance costs after a violation: Slowing Down: Some insurance companies take the time between speeding offenses into account when calculating insurance costs. So, if you can get away with another speeding ticket for a while, your premiums may be lower. Drive Safely: Follow the rules for driving safely to avoid increasing your insurance. Stop completely in front of the stop sign and be aware of other drivers and road conditions while driving. Take a Safe Driving Course: Taking a course that will help you drive more safely will show your insurance company that you are serious about driving.